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APQ Safety and H2 Safety Seminar. Presentation of the BEQUINOR H2 Safety Guide
#Industrial Safety, #Industry 4.0
Expoquimia opening talk: Industry Showcase & Hydrogen Day
Circular chemical products
Hydrogen Generation
LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE, Precipitated Silica: valorisation of the discharge through a circular economy strategy.
#Water treatment
Tech Tansfer & Innovation Pitch
#Technology Transfer
Guide for the integration of the SDGs in companies in the chemical industry in the VALENCIAN COMMUNITY
Hydrogen distribution and storage
Creating value for a low-carbon society
Green Deal: Towards a healthy and sustainable animal production.
Presentation of the study of the chemical sector in Catalonia
BEST IN CLASS Project: Hydrogen
Uses of hydrogen in Industry and Mobility
BEST IN CLASS Project: Hydrogen
Plan de Cadena de Valor CRECE Industria química básica y aplicada en Andalucía
Retos y prioridades de la Presidencia española del Consejo de la UE
New challenges of the Royal Decree on Cans and Waste Cans
Arfinio®: the sustainable revolution of solid surface materials
#New materials
Safety in the handling of fluids
#Chemical engineering
Hydrogen: training opportunities
Circular economy in printing and packaging
TECNIO Success Cases: sinergias que resuelven retos tecnológicos en el sector químico
#Technology Transfer
Plenary Lecture: Bridiging Academia with Industry: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Chemistry and new professional competencies in view of the European Green Deal
Instrumentos de apoyo de la Junta de Andalucía para el desarrollo de la industria química
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Battery recycling: the circular economy for sustainable mobility
#Automotive, #Recycling
Materiales avanzados para la Industria de la Movilidad
#Innovation, #Mobility, #New materials
Hydrogen as a key vector to decarbonize the industry. Catalans good practicies.
Circular chemistry: How to build a new economy on a molecular level
Without chemistry, there can be a sustainable future
Plenary Lecture. Planet in search for sustainable energy – the role of CCUS and hydrogen in the net zero target emissions: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
The Circular Economy in the automotive industry: challenges and opportunities
Act now: join the commitment to zero pellet loss
#New materials, #Plastics, #Recycling
Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización
#Industry 4.0
Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización
#Chemical engineering
The Ercros 3D Plan: achievements and challenges
LOWCO2 – Capture and valorisation of industrial CO2
Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización
#Chemical engineering
Technologies for the recovery of materials and energy from waste
BEST IN CLASS Project: Circular Economy
BEST IN CLASS Project: Circular Economy
PERTE Horizon for Industrial Carbonisation. PERTE
The circular economy of plastic: projects, technologies and challenges of the present
Acciones para la reducción de las emisiones y nuevo sistema para la evaluación de la corrosión
#Automotive, #New materials, #Treatment surfaces
Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización
#Chemical engineering
CDT (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology, Spain) seen by participants in RDI projects
Poster Session: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Matèries primeres i reciclatge dels productes a l’entorn d’automoció
#Automotive, #Mobility, #New materials
Innovation in Chemical Recycling in Spain: Banking on a circular future
#New materials, #Plastics, #Recycling
Neosuccess Project: production of second-generation bio-succinic acid from CO2.
Business trends in the chemical industry in Catalonia
#Chemical engineering
Hydrogen: cornerstone of the energy transition
Marketplace of Circular Economy solutins for the chemical industry
#Industry 4.0
Plenary Lecture: Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment perspective in Chemical Engineering: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Closing the circle of flexible polyurethane foams
Moving forward with the plastics circularity and sustainability model
Nuevos desarrollos de Materiales para E-Mobility
#Innovation, #Mobility, #New materials
Pelltinel – Sistema para la detección de microplástico, REPSOL
Discover the Opportunities of the Next Generation Funds for the Chemical and Plastics Sector
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
The dual degree in chemistry. A talent opportunity for companies
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
One-day Seminar on Quality in the Cosmetics Industry
#Cosmétics, #Innovation, #Pharma
Circular packaging: the future is now.
#New materials
La revolución tecnológica
Advances in hydrogen technologies applied to heavy transport
#Automotive, #Mobility
Plenary Lecture. Engineering Chemistry for Sustainable Development: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Supporting the chemicals industry so that it can fulfil its promises through advanced image analysis
Capture, purification and reuse of CO2 in a biomass plant
Digitalisation through ongoing improvement.
Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence in the autonomous control of sewage treatment plants
Committed to the future: the new generation of phenol and sustainable solvents.
Marketplace de soluciones de Industria 4.0 para los sectores químico y plásticos.
Production Management Software (PMS) at Linasa
Claves de la circularidad sobre los materiales utilizados en envases y embalajes
#New materials, #Packaging
La Industria Química ante los Retos del Green Deal
Best in Class Project: Digitisation
Best in Class Project: Digitisation
Round-table discussion on learnings, challenges and opportunities in the digitisation of the chemical sector
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications
#Chemical engineering
Discover the Opportunities of the Next Generation Funds for the Chemical and Plastics Sector
#Industry 4.0
Poster Session: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Chemistry and the 4th industrial revolution: sustainable, digital and social.
Meeting of the Group of Chemical Associations (GAP)
#Chemical engineering
New energies for a sustainable society
Plenary Lecture: Corrosion risk for process
#Chemical engineering
Climate Transition Programme @Bondalti
ChemMed Tarragona: present and future of the main petrochemical cluster in southern Europe.
Presentation of the sectoral report on plastics in Spain
New developments and public funding for RDI projects.
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Expoquimica Exhibition area: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
El papel de los gases industriales en la transición energética
Tech Transfer: Mission impossible?
Chemical Industry Internationalisation Plan in collaboration with FEIQUE and ICEX
LOW-e. Efficient and low impact technology for seawater and brine desalination
Direct manufacturing of RTD sensors on stainless steel pipes using combined Magnetron Sputtering and sun-gel techniques
Nanoliposomas dirigidos a péptidos para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Fabry.
How INEOS will kick-start renewable hydrogen production in Spain.
Best in Class Project: Tech Transfer
Best in Class Project: Tech Transfer
Horizonte de la Política Industrial
Round-table discussion: opportunities and best practices for technology transfer to the chemical industry