Talk | Side Events Other

Green Beauty Congress

#Cosmétics, #Innovation

30-05-2023 09:30 30-05-2023 15:10 Europe/Madrid Green Beauty Congress

The Natural Cosmetics Forum: a 1-day event to share and exchange information and debate the strategy and marketing of a natural product, regulation, formulation and market.

More infoódigo de descuento GBC_EXPOQUIMIA.

CC4-ROOM 4.1
Tue 30 09:30h - 15:10h CC4-ROOM 4.1
Talk | Side Events Hydrogen

APQ Safety and H2 Safety Seminar. Presentation of the BEQUINOR H2 Safety Guide

#Industrial Safety, #Industry 4.0

30-05-2023 09:30 30-05-2023 14:30 Europe/Madrid APQ Safety and H2 Safety Seminar. Presentation of the BEQUINOR H2 Safety Guide

BEQUINOR, together with the Ministry of Industry and the Directorate General of Industry of the Ministry of Business and Labour of the Government of Catalonia, is organising this seminar to present the most significant developments concerning the ongoing work on the next version of the RAPQ Guide and BEQUINOR’s Hydrogen Safety Guide.

CC4-ROOM 4.3
Tue 30 09:30h - 14:30h CC4-ROOM 4.3
Showroom | Rethinking Plastics New Materials


#Plastics, #Recycling

30-05-2023 09:30 30-05-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid RETHINKING PLASTICS by Equiplast

A unique exhibition of products made from 100% recycled plastic from renewable and biodegradable sources.

HALL 3-Rethinking plastics area
Tue 30 09:30h - 18:00h HALL 3-Rethinking plastics area
Ponencia | Industry Showcase Hydrogen

Expoquimia opening talk: Industry Showcase & Hydrogen Day

Carles Navarro
Carles Navarro Expoquimia y Feique CEO of BASF Spain, vice-president of FEIQUE and president of Expoquimia Speaker

30-05-2023 10:00 30-05-2023 10:15 Europe/Madrid Expoquimia opening talk: Industry Showcase & Hydrogen Day HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Tue 30 10:00h - 10:15h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Circular Economy

Circular chemical products

Juan Manuel Martínez Alcaraz
Juan Manuel Martínez Alcaraz Quimidroga S.A Business Development Director de Greene Enterprise, S.L. Speaker


30-05-2023 10:00 30-05-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Circular chemical products

Circular economy: technology developed by Greene; industrial products that are being developed and products that are obtained.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Tue 30 10:00h - 10:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Roundtable | Industry Showcase Hydrogen

Hydrogen Generation

Ekain Fernandez
Ekain Fernandez Tecnalia Head of Hydrogen Technologies Moderador/Presentador
Leyre Castro
Leyre Castro Iberdrola Head of Commercial Operations of Green Hydrogen Speaker
Elena Verdú
Elena Verdú Repsol H2 & Synthetics Tech Manager Speaker
Alberto Bucci
Alberto Bucci JOLT CTO Speaker
Nora Castañeda
Nora Castañeda Sener Hydrogen Business Manager Speaker

30-05-2023 10:15 30-05-2023 11:15 Europe/Madrid Hydrogen Generation HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Tue 30 10:15h - 11:15h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Circular Economy

LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE, Precipitated Silica: valorisation of the discharge through a circular economy strategy.

Miguel Cano
Miguel Cano Industrias Químicas del Ebro Speaker

#Water treatment

30-05-2023 10:30 30-05-2023 11:00 Europe/Madrid LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE, Precipitated Silica: valorisation of the discharge through a circular economy strategy.

  The LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE Project is a PILOT PROJECT that applies an innovative technology for the treatment of silica precipitate discharge, an environmental challenge with no viable solution at present.  

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Tue 30 10:30h - 11:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Pitch | Tech Transfer and Innovation Area Tech Transfer

Tech Tansfer & Innovation Pitch

Sandra Colom
Sandra Colom ACCIÓ Head of R i D i I Resoursce Moderador/Presentador
Miriam Díaz de los Bernardos
Miriam Díaz de los Bernardos Eurecat Head of the Catalysis Line at the Chemistry Unit at Eurecat Tarragona and Director of the Hydrogen Network of Catalonia H2CAT Speaker
Carles Ros
Carles Ros Licrox Postdoctoral Researcher Speaker
Isabel Vicente Valverde
Isabel Vicente Valverde Bizeolcat Advanced Researcher Speaker
Eduardo Fages
Eduardo Fages r.LightBioCom Head of Research Group on Materials and Sustainability Speaker
Andrés Luengo Baraguán
Andrés Luengo Baraguán Osiris Speaker
Manuel Rendon
Manuel Rendon Timeplast CEO Speaker
Santi Salas Vergés
Santi Salas Vergés Nanomol CEO and Co-founder Speaker
Jordi Arbusà
Jordi Arbusà Gloo Chief Technology Officer Speaker

#Technology Transfer

30-05-2023 10:30 30-05-2023 11:45 Europe/Madrid Tech Tansfer & Innovation Pitch HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Tue 30 10:30h - 11:45h HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Other

Guide for the integration of the SDGs in companies in the chemical industry in the VALENCIAN COMMUNITY

Jesús Carretero
Jesús Carretero QUIMACOVA Director of QUIMACOVA Speaker

30-05-2023 11:00 30-05-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid Guide for the integration of the SDGs in companies in the chemical industry in the VALENCIAN COMMUNITY

Tips and examples for implementing SDGs in the strategy of chemicals firms.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Tue 30 11:00h - 11:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Roundtable | Industry Showcase Hydrogen

Hydrogen distribution and storage

Pau Bosch Jimenez
Pau Bosch Jimenez Leitat Principal Researcher in BioElectrochemical Technologies Area Moderador/Presentador
Juan Villar
Juan Villar Nortegas Chief Operating Officer Speaker
Andres Galnares
Andres Galnares H2Site CEO Speaker
Iñigo Santamaria
Iñigo Santamaria Team Head of Hydrogen Technologies Speaker
Claudio Rodríguez
Claudio Rodríguez Enagas Director General de Infraestructuras Speaker

30-05-2023 11:15 30-05-2023 12:15 Europe/Madrid Hydrogen distribution and storage HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Tue 30 11:15h - 12:15h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Descarbonization

Creating value for a low-carbon society

Antonio Alsina Povill
Antonio Alsina Povill Air Liquide Business Development Manager Speaker

30-05-2023 11:30 30-05-2023 12:00 Europe/Madrid Creating value for a low-carbon society

How gases help in reducing the carbon footprint. Applications that help industry and customers to reduce the carbon footprint.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Tue 30 11:30h - 12:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Other

Green Deal: Towards a healthy and sustainable animal production.

Montse Paniagua Jiménez
Montse Paniagua Jiménez Quimidroga, S.A. Director of the Human and Animal Food and Feed R&D Technical Department Speaker

30-05-2023 12:00 30-05-2023 12:30 Europe/Madrid Green Deal: Towards a healthy and sustainable animal production.

Quimidroga explains how biotechnology and chemistry are key for the development of solutions and products for a more efficient and sustainable livestock production.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Tue 30 12:00h - 12:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Side Events Other

Presentation of the study of the chemical sector in Catalonia

Joan Roget
Joan Roget FedeQuim President Speaker
Giulia Diamante
Giulia Diamante ACCIÓ Team Leader in Sector Opportunity Detection and Analysis Speaker


30-05-2023 12:00 30-05-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid Presentation of the study of the chemical sector in Catalonia

Powerful, developed and internationalized, the Catalan chemical sector is one of the most powerful in the country and with a greater weight in exports. At the same time, it is attractive for foreign investment. During the session, this information will be shared and complemented with global data, trends and business opportunities in the sector.

HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Tue 30 12:00h - 13:00h HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Best in Class | Industry Showcase Hydrogen

BEST IN CLASS Project: Hydrogen

Andres Galnares
Andres Galnares H2Site CEO Speaker

30-05-2023 12:15 30-05-2023 12:30 Europe/Madrid BEST IN CLASS Project: Hydrogen

H2SITE desarrolla una tecnología para la generación distribuida de hidrógeno a pequeña y mediana escala, de elevada pureza y bajo coste, mediante reactores catalíticos de membrana.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Tue 30 12:15h - 12:30h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Roundtable | Industry Showcase Hydrogen

Uses of hydrogen in Industry and Mobility

Isaac Justicia Antó
Isaac Justicia Antó Vall Hidrogen Catalunya Director Technical Office Moderador/Presentador
Esperanza Montero Díaz
Esperanza Montero Díaz Carburos Metalicos - Air Products Group Government Relations for Southern Europe Speaker
Itsaso Auzmendi Murua
Itsaso Auzmendi Murua Sarralle Hydrogen Business Line Manager Speaker
Albert Mitjà Moyano
Albert Mitjà Moyano Indox Energy System H2 Business Director Speaker
Hèctor Calls Martínez
Hèctor Calls Martínez Port de Barcelona Speaker

30-05-2023 12:30 30-05-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Uses of hydrogen in Industry and Mobility HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Tue 30 12:30h - 13:30h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Best in Class | Best in Class Hydrogen

BEST IN CLASS Project: Hydrogen

Andres Galnares
Andres Galnares H2Site CEO Speaker

30-05-2023 12:30 30-05-2023 12:45 Europe/Madrid BEST IN CLASS Project: Hydrogen

H2SITE desarrolla una tecnología para la generación distribuida de hidrógeno a pequeña y mediana escala, de elevada pureza y bajo coste, mediante reactores catalíticos de membrana.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Tue 30 12:30h - 12:45h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Other

Plan de Cadena de Valor CRECE Industria química básica y aplicada en Andalucía

Cristóbal Sánchez Morales
Cristóbal Sánchez Morales Junta de Andalucía Speaker

30-05-2023 12:30 30-05-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid Plan de Cadena de Valor CRECE Industria química básica y aplicada en Andalucía HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Tue 30 12:30h - 13:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Other

Retos y prioridades de la Presidencia española del Consejo de la UE

Cristina González
Cristina González Feique Director of Advocacy, Strategy and Innovation Speaker
Cristina Rivero
Cristina Rivero CEOE Director for Industry, Energy, Environment and Climate Speaker

30-05-2023 13:00 30-05-2023 14:00 Europe/Madrid Retos y prioridades de la Presidencia española del Consejo de la UE HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Tue 30 13:00h - 14:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Other

New challenges of the Royal Decree on Cans and Waste Cans

Maria Eugenia Anta
Maria Eugenia Anta FEIQUE Director of Chemical Products Management and International Trade Speaker
Isabel Goyena
Isabel Goyena ENVALORA General Manager of CICLOPLAST. Director of the ENVALORA PROJECT Speaker


30-05-2023 15:00 30-05-2023 15:30 Europe/Madrid New challenges of the Royal Decree on Cans and Waste Cans

FEIQUE and the association ENVALORA ( will present the challenges of the new Royal Decree 1055/2022, of 27 December, on cans and waste cans, and their possible solutions.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Tue 30 15:00h - 15:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future New Materials

Arfinio®: the sustainable revolution of solid surface materials

Fernando Simón
Fernando Simón Covestro Technology Development Manager Speaker

#New materials

30-05-2023 15:30 30-05-2023 16:00 Europe/Madrid Arfinio®: the sustainable revolution of solid surface materials

  Arfinio®: an innovative technology developed by Covestro and Arcesso Dynamics that enables the manufacturing of solid surfaces.  

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Tue 30 15:30h - 16:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Side Events Other

Safety in the handling of fluids

Xavier de Gea
Xavier de Gea Atexpreven General Manager Presentador
Pere Trallero
Pere Trallero Asecos General Manager Speaker
Marc Delgado
Marc Delgado Sensotran General Manager Speaker
Jordi Villanueva
Jordi Villanueva Swagelot Ibérica General Manager Speaker

#Chemical engineering

30-05-2023 16:00 30-05-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Safety in the handling of fluids

The storage of chemical products, improved safety and flexibility in the use of mobile containers (APQ-10). Concepts regarding the detection of gases and vapours, improved safety of the process. Airtightness as a safety concept in fluid conduction systems.

CC4-ROOM 4.3
Tue 30 16:00h - 18:00h CC4-ROOM 4.3
Roundtable | Industry Showcase Hydrogen

Hydrogen: training opportunities

Javier Acera Osa
Javier Acera Osa Tecnalia Researcher Moderador/Presentador
Lluís Soler
Lluís Soler Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) Researcher Speaker
Sergio San Martin Pinedo
Sergio San Martin Pinedo Somorrostro Director de Innovación Speaker
Rafael Lopez Gonzalez
Rafael Lopez Gonzalez Worldwide Recruitment Energy Director Talent Acquisition Speaker
Eugenio Trillo León
Eugenio Trillo León Lean Hydrogen CEO Speaker

30-05-2023 16:00 30-05-2023 17:00 Europe/Madrid Hydrogen: training opportunities HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Tue 30 16:00h - 17:00h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Circular Economy

Circular economy in printing and packaging

Juan Guerrero
Juan Guerrero Covestro Industry Manager EMLA Flexible Packaging Speaker


30-05-2023 16:00 30-05-2023 16:30 Europe/Madrid Circular economy in printing and packaging

A brief review of the circular economy in Printing and Packaging and the trend towards recyclability of plastic wrappers complemented by the reduction of CO2, also looking at the new European Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) and Covestro's positioning in the circular economy of the Printing and Packaging business.  

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Tue 30 16:00h - 16:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Side Events Tech Transfer

TECNIO Success Cases: sinergias que resuelven retos tecnológicos en el sector químico

Maria Dolors Núñez
Maria Dolors Núñez ACCIÓ Team Leader - Analysis and Detection of Technological Opportunities Presentador
Alberto Bucci
Alberto Bucci JOLT CTO Speaker
Julio Lloret
Julio Lloret ICIQ ICREA Research Professor and Leader of the Research Group at the ICIQ Speaker

#Technology Transfer

30-05-2023 16:00 30-05-2023 16:45 Europe/Madrid TECNIO Success Cases: sinergias que resuelven retos tecnológicos en el sector químico

The TECNIO centers are key agents in the Catalan technology transfer ecosystem.
Their main activities go beyond research. They include collaboration with companies as well as the creation of spin-offs.
During this session you will have the chance to attend a roundtable discussion and discover one of these cases of cooperation. A Tecnio center, a spin-off and a firm will talk about their successful collaboration experience.

HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Tue 30 16:00h - 16:45h HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Plenary Lecture: Bridiging Academia with Industry: Mecce

Elazer Edelman
Elazer Edelman Massachusetts Institute of Technology Speaker

#Chemical engineering

30-05-2023 16:00 30-05-2023 17:30 Europe/Madrid Plenary Lecture: Bridiging Academia with Industry: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
Tue 30 16:00h - 17:30h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Roundtable | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Other

Chemistry and new professional competencies in view of the European Green Deal

Carlos Negro
Carlos Negro Foro Química y Sociedad President Moderador/Presentador
Isabel Fernández
Isabel Fernández CCOO de Industria Head of Training for Employment Speaker
Pablo Serna
Pablo Serna Universidad Jaume I de Castellón Researcher and Lecturer Speaker
Mari Carmen Cruzado
Mari Carmen Cruzado Ercros Speaker
Salvador Viera Armas
Salvador Viera Armas Carburos Metálicos Director of Human Resources Speaker

30-05-2023 16:30 30-05-2023 17:30 Europe/Madrid Chemistry and new professional competencies in view of the European Green Deal

Experts in several different fields will share their visions and opinions on a hot topic related to the recent publication of the Industrial Plan of the Green Deal for the zero net emissions era of the European Commission.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Tue 30 16:30h - 17:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Other

Instrumentos de apoyo de la Junta de Andalucía para el desarrollo de la industria química

Cristóbal Sánchez Morales
Cristóbal Sánchez Morales Junta de Andalucía Speaker

30-05-2023 17:30 30-05-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Instrumentos de apoyo de la Junta de Andalucía para el desarrollo de la industria química HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Tue 30 17:30h - 18:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Showroom | Rethinking Plastics New Materials


#Plastics, #Recycling

31-05-2023 09:30 31-05-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid RETHINKING PLASTICS by Equiplast

A unique exhibition of products made from 100% recycled plastic from renewable and biodegradable sources.

HALL 3-Rethinking plastics area
Wed 31 09:30h - 18:00h HALL 3-Rethinking plastics area
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 09:30 31-05-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
Wed 31 09:30h - 10:30h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 09:30 31-05-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.12
Wed 31 09:30h - 10:30h CC3- ROOM 3.12
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 09:30 31-05-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.13
Wed 31 09:30h - 10:30h CC3- ROOM 3.13
Talk | Side Events Other



31-05-2023 10:00 31-05-2023 13:45 Europe/Madrid PROCUREMENT DAY Catalunya- AERCE

Welcome to the Future of Purchasing: Agenda for the CPO in disruptive times. Sustainability: A catalyst of supply chains. Purchasing and sustainability at Ferrer. Challenge the basics of your Purchasing Department through key questions.

More info


CC4-ROOM 4.1
Wed 31 10:00h - 13:45h CC4-ROOM 4.1
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Circular Economy

Battery recycling: the circular economy for sustainable mobility

Raúl Yuste
Raúl Yuste BASF ESPAÑOLA Global Key Account Manager para Battery Recycling Speaker
Rafael del Rio
Rafael del Rio AEDIVE Speaker

#Automotive, #Recycling

31-05-2023 10:00 31-05-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Battery recycling: the circular economy for sustainable mobility

  BASF will explain its experience in the business of recycling car batteries.  

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Wed 31 10:00h - 10:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Eurocar Meeting Surfaces and Plastics Surface treatment

Materiales avanzados para la Industria de la Movilidad

Ignasi Gómez Belinchón
Ignasi Gómez Belinchón Rail Grup Cluster Mánager Presentador
Toni Clariana
Toni Clariana Magma Design CEO Speaker
Salvador Borrós
Salvador Borrós IQS (GEMAT) General Manager Speaker
Teresa Burguillo
Teresa Burguillo DIAB Sales Manager Speaker
Egoitz Luís Monasterio
Egoitz Luís Monasterio CIDETEC Surface Engineering Speaker
Federico Esteve
Federico Esteve 3M Regional Account Manager Rail Speaker
Henri García
Henri García 3M Specialist Application Engineer Speaker

#Innovation, #Mobility, #New materials

31-05-2023 10:10 31-05-2023 12:00 Europe/Madrid Materiales avanzados para la Industria de la Movilidad CC4-ROOM 4.2
Wed 31 10:10h - 12:00h CC4-ROOM 4.2
Talk | Side Events Hydrogen

Hydrogen as a key vector to decarbonize the industry. Catalans good practicies.

Albert Ballbé Ortí
Albert Ballbé Ortí Dirección General de Indústria Coordinator of Strategic Projects, General Manager Industry Presentador
Oriol Vilaseca
Oriol Vilaseca Vilaseca Consultors CEO Speaker
Anna Casals
Anna Casals CELSA Group Head of Innovation CELSA Group Spain and France Speaker
Montserrat Vallverdú
Montserrat Vallverdú Repsol Coord. Transformation C.I. Tarragona Speaker
Miriam Díaz de los Bernardos
Miriam Díaz de los Bernardos Eurecat Head of the Catalysis Line at the Chemistry Unit at Eurecat Tarragona and Director of the Hydrogen Network of Catalonia H2CAT Speaker


31-05-2023 10:10 31-05-2023 12:00 Europe/Madrid Hydrogen as a key vector to decarbonize the industry. Catalans good practicies.

Presentation of the Hydrogen Valley of Catalonia and best practices.

HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Wed 31 10:10h - 12:00h HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Ponencia | Industry Showcase Circular Economy

Circular chemistry: How to build a new economy on a molecular level

Javier Garcia Martinez
Javier Garcia Martinez IUPAC President Speaker

31-05-2023 10:30 31-05-2023 10:50 Europe/Madrid Circular chemistry: How to build a new economy on a molecular level

To make the objectives of circular economy a reality, we should re-think all that we do so molecules and processes are designed from their conception to make their recovery and reuse easier. During the conference, I will present some examples of circular chemistry, including new plastics, materials and fuels produced through the conversion of residues in high-added-value products. Finally, I will describe the role of artificial intelligence and the initiatives that we are developing at IUPAC to build a more sustainable future built at molecular scale.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Wed 31 10:30h - 10:50h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Descarbonization

Without chemistry, there can be a sustainable future

Carles Navarro
Carles Navarro Expoquimia y Feique CEO of BASF Spain, vice-president of FEIQUE and president of Expoquimia Speaker
Francesc Mauri
Francesc Mauri Televisió de Catalunya Speaker

31-05-2023 10:30 31-05-2023 11:00 Europe/Madrid Without chemistry, there can be a sustainable future HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Wed 31 10:30h - 11:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Hydrogen

Plenary Lecture. Planet in search for sustainable energy – the role of CCUS and hydrogen in the net zero target emissions: Mecce

Lourdes F. Vega
Lourdes F. Vega Research and Innovation Center on CO2 and Hydrogen (RICH Center) Speaker

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 10:30 31-05-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid Plenary Lecture. Planet in search for sustainable energy – the role of CCUS and hydrogen in the net zero target emissions: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting.
Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
Wed 31 10:30h - 11:30h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Ponencia | Industry Showcase Circular Economy

The Circular Economy in the automotive industry: challenges and opportunities

Carolina Valdivielso Santamaría
Carolina Valdivielso Santamaría Antolin Head of Climate Change and the Circular Economy Speaker

31-05-2023 10:50 31-05-2023 11:10 Europe/Madrid The Circular Economy in the automotive industry: challenges and opportunities

Antolin explains how the goals of car manufacturers to reduce the carbon footprint of their products must be an opportunity to speed up the development and use of sustainable materials throughout the supply chain. Some examples of the use of new sustainable materials in automotive components manufactured by Antolin will be displayed.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Wed 31 10:50h - 11:10h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Side Events Circular Economy

Act now: join the commitment to zero pellet loss

#New materials, #Plastics, #Recycling

31-05-2023 11:00 31-05-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Act now: join the commitment to zero pellet loss CC4-ROOM 4.3
Wed 31 11:00h - 13:30h CC4-ROOM 4.3
Talk | Side Events Circular Economy

Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización

Beatriz Ferreira Pozo
Beatriz Ferreira Pozo Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Químicos de la Comunitat Valenciana Presentador

#Industry 4.0

31-05-2023 11:00 31-05-2023 14:30 Europe/Madrid Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización CC4-ROOM 4.4
Wed 31 11:00h - 14:30h CC4-ROOM 4.4
Talk | Side Events Circular Economy

Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización

Manuel Fernández
Manuel Fernández DeepView4p Speaker

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 11:00 31-05-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización CC4-ROOM 4.4
Wed 31 11:00h - 11:30h CC4-ROOM 4.4
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Descarbonization

The Ercros 3D Plan: achievements and challenges

Agustín Franco
Agustín Franco Ercros General Manager Speaker
Francisco España
Francisco España Ercros Speaker


31-05-2023 11:00 31-05-2023 12:00 Europe/Madrid The Ercros 3D Plan: achievements and challenges

The Smart Talk by Ercros will be about the company's achievements in decarbonisation, thanks to the roll-out in 2021 of the 3D Investments Plan. In addition, we will explain the projects underway to go further in cutting emissions, the circularity of consumptions and energy efficiency.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Wed 31 11:00h - 12:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Ponencia | Industry Showcase Circular Economy

LOWCO2 – Capture and valorisation of industrial CO2

Gorka Mendizabal Urizar
Gorka Mendizabal Urizar Calcinor Head R&D Department Speaker

31-05-2023 11:10 31-05-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid LOWCO2 – Capture and valorisation of industrial CO2

The goal of the LOWCO2 Project is the research and development of innovative and competitive technologies for the capture and valorisation of industrial CO2. This is an R&D project rolled out by a consortium of 11 entities that are committed to sustainable innovation (eco-innovation) as the key to improve their competitiveness. The consortium is headed up by LOINTEK, and has the participation of industrial leaders such as CALCINOR

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Wed 31 11:10h - 11:30h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Side Events Circular Economy

Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización

Fidel Toldrá
Fidel Toldrá Speaker

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 11:30 31-05-2023 12:00 Europe/Madrid Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización CC4-ROOM 4.4
Wed 31 11:30h - 12:00h CC4-ROOM 4.4
Ponencia | Industry Showcase Circular Economy

Technologies for the recovery of materials and energy from waste

Santiago Verda Henche
Santiago Verda Henche Neoliquid Marketing Speaker

31-05-2023 11:30 31-05-2023 11:50 Europe/Madrid Technologies for the recovery of materials and energy from waste

 NEOLIQUID has patented several waste recovery processes to reuse materials and energy through pyrolysis. This process can obtain several high-added-value products, promoting the circular economy on the basis of the recovery of material and energy from landfill waste, in accordance with the European regulatory framework.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Wed 31 11:30h - 11:50h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Best in Class | Industry Showcase Circular Economy

BEST IN CLASS Project: Circular Economy

Héctor Alonso
Héctor Alonso Inditex Responsable de Soporte Científico de Sostenibilidad Speaker

31-05-2023 11:50 31-05-2023 12:05 Europe/Madrid BEST IN CLASS Project: Circular Economy

La charla tratará sobre la estrategia de circularidad del Grupo, con relevantes innovaciones entre las que destacan The Laundry -un detergente elaborado en colaboración con BASF que permite reducir la liberación de microfibras- y el lanzamiento junto a CIRC de la primera colección de prendas creadas a partir del reciclaje químico de tejidos que mezclan poliéster y algodón.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Wed 31 11:50h - 12:05h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Best in Class | Best in Class Circular Economy

BEST IN CLASS Project: Circular Economy

Héctor Alonso
Héctor Alonso Inditex Responsable de Soporte Científico de Sostenibilidad Speaker

31-05-2023 11:50 31-05-2023 12:05 Europe/Madrid BEST IN CLASS Project: Circular Economy

La charla tratará sobre la estrategia de circularidad del Grupo, con relevantes innovaciones entre las que destacan The Laundry -un detergente elaborado en colaboración con BASF que permite reducir la liberación de microfibras- y el lanzamiento junto a CIRC de la primera colección de prendas creadas a partir del reciclaje químico de tejidos que mezclan poliéster y algodón.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Wed 31 11:50h - 12:05h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Descarbonization

PERTE Horizon for Industrial Carbonisation. PERTE

Luís Colunga
Luís Colunga MINCOTUR Speaker
Juan Antonio Labat
Juan Antonio Labat Feique General Manager Speaker


31-05-2023 12:00 31-05-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid PERTE Horizon for Industrial Carbonisation. PERTE

Luis Colunga, the Special Commissioner for the PERTE for Industrial Decarbonisation, will reveal the main objectives, transformative measures and lines of financing that the PERTE envisages to support decarbonisation and energy efficiency in manufacturing industry. The planned 11.8 billion euros of investment will be used to fund investments aimed at helping manufacturing industry to achieve zero net emissions, in line with the Green Deal goals.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Wed 31 12:00h - 13:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Mesa Redonda | Industry Showcase Circular Economy

The circular economy of plastic: projects, technologies and challenges of the present

Luis Palomino Leal
Luis Palomino Leal ASEGRE General Secretary Moderador/Presentador
Sergio Giménez
Sergio Giménez AIMPLAS Business Director Speaker
Marc Monnin
Marc Monnin Centro Español de Plasticos General Manager Speaker
Soraya Prieto Fernandez
Soraya Prieto Fernandez Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation Head of the Circularity Unit Speaker
Irene Mora
Irene Mora Plastics Europe Head of Public Affairs and Sustainability Speaker

31-05-2023 12:05 31-05-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid The circular economy of plastic: projects, technologies and challenges of the present

Several players that represent the industry will take part in this round-table discussion to reflect on the development of circularity in the plastics industry, taking stock of the extent of current development, the developing of enabling technologies and systems as well as projects that feature the ability of plastics to stay within the production system and maximise their opportunities

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Wed 31 12:05h - 13:00h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Eurocar Meeting Surfaces and Plastics Surface treatment

Acciones para la reducción de las emisiones y nuevo sistema para la evaluación de la corrosión

José Manuel Barriós
José Manuel Barriós STA Chairman Presentador
Richard Caetano
Richard Caetano Stellantis Fr. Paint Process Expert for booths/ Ovens/VOCs/Energy Speaker
Maria Belén Parada
Maria Belén Parada Stellantis Leader Industrial Ibérico de Pintura Speaker
Bruno Welsch
Bruno Welsch Dürr CEO Division Paint and FInal Assembly Systems Speaker
Ana Bermejo
Ana Bermejo Basf Industrial Engineering Speaker

#Automotive, #New materials, #Treatment surfaces

31-05-2023 12:15 31-05-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Acciones para la reducción de las emisiones y nuevo sistema para la evaluación de la corrosión CC4-ROOM 4.2
Wed 31 12:15h - 13:30h CC4-ROOM 4.2
Talk | Side Events Circular Economy

Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización

Yuryi Budyk
Yuryi Budyk Calpech CEO Speaker

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 12:30 31-05-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización CC4-ROOM 4.4
Wed 31 12:30h - 13:00h CC4-ROOM 4.4
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 12:30 31-05-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
Wed 31 12:30h - 13:30h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 12:30 31-05-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.12
Wed 31 12:30h - 13:30h CC3- ROOM 3.12
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 12:30 31-05-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.13
Wed 31 12:30h - 13:30h CC3- ROOM 3.13
Talk | Side Events Circular Economy

Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización

Antonio Fajardo
Antonio Fajardo Speaker

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 13:00 31-05-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización CC4-ROOM 4.4
Wed 31 13:00h - 13:30h CC4-ROOM 4.4
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Other

CDT (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology, Spain) seen by participants in RDI projects

Pilar González
Pilar González CDTI Cap dept. Promoció Institucional i Cooperació Territorial Speaker
Dirk Saeta
Dirk Saeta Leitat Speaker
Javier Limpo Orozco
Javier Limpo Orozco Técnicas Reunidas Speaker
Daniel Domene López
Daniel Domene López Solublion S.L Speaker


31-05-2023 13:00 31-05-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid CDT (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology, Spain) seen by participants in RDI projects

Dialogue with companies that have participated in projects funded by the CDTI.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Wed 31 13:00h - 13:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Poster Session: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 13:30 31-05-2023 15:30 Europe/Madrid Poster Session: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.14
Wed 31 13:30h - 15:30h CC3- ROOM 3.14
Talk | Eurocar Meeting Surfaces and Plastics Surface treatment

Matèries primeres i reciclatge dels productes a l’entorn d’automoció

Josep Nadal
Josep Nadal CIAC Cluster Manager Presentador
Jordi Miranda
Jordi Miranda Tag Automotive Smart Factory Manager Speaker
Sergio López
Sergio López Tag Automotive Engineering manager Speaker
Juan Manuel Díaz
Juan Manuel Díaz SEAT Environment & Sustainable Energy Management Speaker
Xavier Albort
Xavier Albort Printer Industrial and Environmental External Advisor Speaker
Victor Paluzie
Victor Paluzie RMS CEO Speaker
Jaume Pujante
Jaume Pujante Eurecat Researcher at the Ceramics and Materials Unit Speaker

#Automotive, #Mobility, #New materials

31-05-2023 14:30 31-05-2023 16:30 Europe/Madrid Matèries primeres i reciclatge dels productes a l’entorn d’automoció CC4-ROOM 4.2
Wed 31 14:30h - 16:30h CC4-ROOM 4.2
Talk | Side Events Circular Economy

Innovation in Chemical Recycling in Spain: Banking on a circular future

#New materials, #Plastics, #Recycling

31-05-2023 15:00 31-05-2023 17:00 Europe/Madrid Innovation in Chemical Recycling in Spain: Banking on a circular future CC4-ROOM 4.3
Wed 31 15:00h - 17:00h CC4-ROOM 4.3
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Other

Neosuccess Project: production of second-generation bio-succinic acid from CO2.

Begoña Ruiz
Begoña Ruiz AINIA Speaker

31-05-2023 15:00 31-05-2023 15:30 Europe/Madrid Neosuccess Project: production of second-generation bio-succinic acid from CO2.

QUIMACOVA will present tips and examples for implementing SDGs in the strategy of chemicals firms, compiled in this guide.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Wed 31 15:00h - 15:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Side Events Other

Business trends in the chemical industry in Catalonia

Joan Sansaloni
Joan Sansaloni Col·legi Oficial de químics de Catalunya Vice Dean Presentador
Albert Balbuena
Albert Balbuena COQC Speaker
Emilio Palomares
Emilio Palomares ICIQ Research Unit Director Speaker
Aurea Rodríguez
Aurea Rodríguez COQC Businesswoman and Scientific Publicist Speaker

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 15:30 31-05-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Business trends in the chemical industry in Catalonia

It concerns “the Chemical industry in economic and social progress”, presented by FedeQuim. “Support to entrepreneurship and creation of new businesses within the CONSOLIDA’T programme”, presented by Eduard Balbuena. “Technological trends in Chemical innovation”, presented by Emilio Palomares.

CC4-ROOM 4.4
Wed 31 15:30h - 18:00h CC4-ROOM 4.4
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Hydrogen

Hydrogen: cornerstone of the energy transition

Gonzalo Navarro
Gonzalo Navarro Air Liquide Commercial Manager of Industrial Projects Speaker

31-05-2023 15:30 31-05-2023 16:00 Europe/Madrid Hydrogen: cornerstone of the energy transition

Air Liquide will explain the hydrogen value chain with examples of the major projects that the Group already has in progress.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Wed 31 15:30h - 16:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Side Events Circular Economy

Marketplace of Circular Economy solutins for the chemical industry

Maite Ardèvol
Maite Ardèvol ACCIÓ Team Leader of Sustainability and the Circular Economy Presentador
Cristina González
Cristina González Feique Director of Advocacy, Strategy and Innovation Speaker

#Industry 4.0

31-05-2023 15:30 31-05-2023 17:00 Europe/Madrid Marketplace of Circular Economy solutins for the chemical industry

Workshop focused on the transition of the chemical industry towards the circular economy. Presentation of the innovation road map for a sustainable and circular chemical industry and pitch of innovative solutions addressing the challenges of the chemical industry in the transition to circularity.

HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Wed 31 15:30h - 17:00h HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Circular Economy

Plenary Lecture: Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment perspective in Chemical Engineering: Mecce

José Angel Irabien
José Angel Irabien Universidad de Cantabria Doctor Speaker

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 15:30 31-05-2023 16:30 Europe/Madrid Plenary Lecture: Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment perspective in Chemical Engineering: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting.
Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
Wed 31 15:30h - 16:30h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Circular Economy

Closing the circle of flexible polyurethane foams

Susana García Ramos
Susana García Ramos Repsol Technical Assistance and Product Development Manager Speaker


31-05-2023 16:00 31-05-2023 16:30 Europe/Madrid Closing the circle of flexible polyurethane foams

In this Smart Talk, we will look at the polyurethane recycling process, from the moment when the mattress arrives at the plant, after it has reached the end of its useful life, until it is transformed into a circular polyol that can be reused by our customers to make new products: mattresses or comfort furnishings. During the talk, we will analyse the technology that Repsol has banked on and the value proposition of the polyol Repsol Reciclex® that we will soon begin to sell and market.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Wed 31 16:00h - 16:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Circular Economy

Moving forward with the plastics circularity and sustainability model

Noemí Artal Vicente
Noemí Artal Vicente Repsol Manager Reciclex and circular polyolefins Speaker


31-05-2023 16:30 31-05-2023 17:00 Europe/Madrid Moving forward with the plastics circularity and sustainability model

In this Smart Talk, we will present the solutions that we are developing at Repsol to overcome the sustainability challenges that plastics are facing today.  At Repsol, we have created new ranges of polyolefins by applying eco-design techniques and adding mechanically and chemically recycled materials under our brand Repsol Reciclex®, as well as alternative raw materials with a very low carbon footprint.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Wed 31 16:30h - 17:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Eurocar Meeting Surfaces and Plastics Surface treatment

Nuevos desarrollos de Materiales para E-Mobility

José Vilar
José Vilar XI Jornades Eurocar Coordinator Presentador
Julio Alvárez
Julio Alvárez PPG Industries Cuntry Technical Director OEM and APA Speaker
Sergio Ferrari
Sergio Ferrari Henkel Project Engineer E-Mobility South Europe Speaker
Daniel Claret
Daniel Claret Composites ARW CEO Speaker

#Innovation, #Mobility, #New materials

31-05-2023 16:45 31-05-2023 18:45 Europe/Madrid Nuevos desarrollos de Materiales para E-Mobility CC4-ROOM 4.2
Wed 31 16:45h - 18:45h CC4-ROOM 4.2
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Other

Pelltinel – Sistema para la detección de microplástico, REPSOL

Luca Sanminiatelli
Luca Sanminiatelli Repsol Speaker
Carlos Parrila
Carlos Parrila ITERA Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Speaker


31-05-2023 17:00 31-05-2023 17:30 Europe/Madrid Pelltinel – Sistema para la detección de microplástico, REPSOL HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Wed 31 17:00h - 17:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Side Events Circular Economy

Discover the Opportunities of the Next Generation Funds for the Chemical and Plastics Sector

Anna Borrell
Anna Borrell ACCIÓ Consultant for the Next Generation EU Office Speaker


31-05-2023 17:00 31-05-2023 17:15 Europe/Madrid Discover the Opportunities of the Next Generation Funds for the Chemical and Plastics Sector HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Wed 31 17:00h - 17:15h HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 17:00 31-05-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
Wed 31 17:00h - 18:00h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 17:00 31-05-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.12
Wed 31 17:00h - 18:00h CC3- ROOM 3.12
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 17:00 31-05-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.13
Wed 31 17:00h - 18:00h CC3- ROOM 3.13
Roundtable | Side Events Other

The dual degree in chemistry. A talent opportunity for companies

Josep M Fernández
Josep M Fernández COQC Dean Moderador/Presentador
Iolanda Tortajada
Iolanda Tortajada URV Vice Rector Speaker
Xavier López
Xavier López URV Vice Dean of the School of Chemistry Speaker
Joaquín Giménez
Joaquín Giménez URV Student Speaker
Belén Brota
Belén Brota Ercros Speaker
Joan Miquel Capdevila
Joan Miquel Capdevila Ercros Speaker
Enric I. Canela
Enric I. Canela UB Professor Speaker

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 09:30 01-06-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid The dual degree in chemistry. A talent opportunity for companies

A round-table discussion will be held to explore how the first year of the Dual Degree in Chemistry by members of the URV has gone, the business experiences held at Ercros and then onto an exhibition of industrial doctorate students. It will close with a debate among those in attendance.

CC4-ROOM 4.3
Thu 1 09:30h - 13:00h CC4-ROOM 4.3
Showroom | Rethinking Plastics New Materials


#Plastics, #Recycling

01-06-2023 09:30 01-06-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid RETHINKING PLASTICS by Equiplast

A unique exhibition of products made from 100% recycled plastic from renewable and biodegradable sources.

HALL 3-Rethinking plastics area
Thu 1 09:30h - 18:00h HALL 3-Rethinking plastics area
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 09:30 01-06-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
Thu 1 09:30h - 10:30h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 09:30 01-06-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.12
Thu 1 09:30h - 10:30h CC3- ROOM 3.12
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 09:30 01-06-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.13
Thu 1 09:30h - 10:30h CC3- ROOM 3.13
Talk | Side Events Other

One-day Seminar on Quality in the Cosmetics Industry

Ma Aurora Benaiges
Ma Aurora Benaiges Sociedad Española de Químicos Cosméticos Presentador
Ana Rocamora
Ana Rocamora CosmeticsInMind Director Speaker
Anna Coll
Anna Coll Martiderm Speaker
Maria Martí Martí
Maria Martí Martí Laboratorios Maverick Quality Manager Speaker
Diego Sáez de Eguílaz
Diego Sáez de Eguílaz MESbook Speaker
Andrés López
Andrés López Berioska Speaker
Pilar Orús
Pilar Orús Revlon Speaker
Carmen María Fernández
Carmen María Fernández Laboratorios Viñas Speaker

#Cosmétics, #Innovation, #Pharma

01-06-2023 09:45 01-06-2023 14:45 Europe/Madrid One-day Seminar on Quality in the Cosmetics Industry


CC4-ROOM 4.2
Thu 1 09:45h - 14:45h CC4-ROOM 4.2
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Circular Economy

Circular packaging: the future is now.

Àngels Domènech
Àngels Domènech Dow Chemical Ibérica Speaker

#New materials

01-06-2023 10:00 01-06-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Circular packaging: the future is now.

Innovation, the development of new technologies and solutions is both one of the essential pillars that sustain Dow’s ambition, as a basic principle of the world economy. Dow has made progress in ensuring recyclability, offering today a sustainable solution through the redesign and development of new materials. Design for Breathability is imperative and a reality to speed up the circularity of plastic, reducing the carbon footprint and transforming waste products.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Thu 1 10:00h - 10:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Ponencia | Industry Showcase Digitalization

La revolución tecnológica

Alicia Richart Ramon
Alicia Richart Ramon Afiniti General Manager Iberia Speaker

01-06-2023 10:30 01-06-2023 10:50 Europe/Madrid La revolución tecnológica HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Thu 1 10:30h - 10:50h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Hydrogen

Advances in hydrogen technologies applied to heavy transport

Héctor Carbonell
Héctor Carbonell Carburos Metálicos Speaker

#Automotive, #Mobility

01-06-2023 10:30 01-06-2023 11:00 Europe/Madrid Advances in hydrogen technologies applied to heavy transport

Carburos Metálicos, experts in the entire hydrogen value chain, has been the driving force since 2021 of the “Hydrogen Road Map”, a series of hydrogen refilling and supply trials with city buses that demonstrates that this technology is already available to decarbonise mass transport in large Spanish cities.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Thu 1 10:30h - 11:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Circular Economy

Plenary Lecture. Engineering Chemistry for Sustainable Development: Mecce

Javier Garcia Martinez
Javier Garcia Martinez IUPAC President Speaker

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 10:30 01-06-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid Plenary Lecture. Engineering Chemistry for Sustainable Development: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting.
Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
Thu 1 10:30h - 11:30h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Ponencia | Industry Showcase Digitalization

Supporting the chemicals industry so that it can fulfil its promises through advanced image analysis

Aaron Ayllón Benítez
Aaron Ayllón Benítez BASF Digital Solutions Product Manager Speaker

01-06-2023 10:50 01-06-2023 11:10 Europe/Madrid Supporting the chemicals industry so that it can fulfil its promises through advanced image analysis

By analysing images and video data, computer vision systems can detect defects, monitor processes and optimise production. Over a period of several years, at BASF we have teamed up with Tecnalia to establish a framework to help researchers working in the chemical field of R&D. As a demonstration of our efforts, we will present a case study that assesses the effectiveness of phytosanitary chemical products used in agriculture.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Thu 1 10:50h - 11:10h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Other

Capture, purification and reuse of CO2 in a biomass plant

Ignacio Torres
Ignacio Torres Carburos Metálicos Speaker


01-06-2023 11:00 01-06-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid Capture, purification and reuse of CO2 in a biomass plant

Garray's CO2 capture, purification and reuse plant is an example of sustainable innovation, as together with Bioeléctrica de Garray (ENSO) a new circular economy model has been created by exploiting the energy, steam and the CO2 that plant biomass combustion generates.  

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Thu 1 11:00h - 11:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Ponencia | Industry Showcase Digitalization

Digitalisation through ongoing improvement.

Rafael Moreno Badía
Rafael Moreno Badía CEPSA Speaker
Daniel Sánchez
Daniel Sánchez CEPSA Speaker
Miguel Ángel López Andreu
Miguel Ángel López Andreu CEPSA Eficiencia y Sostenibilidad Speaker

01-06-2023 11:10 01-06-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid Digitalisation through ongoing improvement.

The approach, methodology and management process of the change made by Cepsa in its industrial innovation and transformation projects. Presentation of some project case studies now implemented and discussion of the future challenges these now face.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Thu 1 11:10h - 11:30h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Ponencia | Industry Showcase Digitalization

Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence in the autonomous control of sewage treatment plants

Lluis Echeverria Rovira
Lluis Echeverria Rovira Eurecat Speaker

01-06-2023 11:30 01-06-2023 11:50 Europe/Madrid Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence in the autonomous control of sewage treatment plants

Development of autonomous control systems for the efficient management of waste water treatment processes in Amsterdam’s main waste water treatment facility. The system implemented consists of a package of data-based solutions that integrates virtual sensors, digital twinning, variable prediction or autonomous control agents. The goal is to seek the minimum environmental impact and power consumption link to the biological processes involved in treatment operations, all compliant with the current water quality regulations.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Thu 1 11:30h - 11:50h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Other

Committed to the future: the new generation of phenol and sustainable solvents.

Estefanía Álvarez
Estefanía Álvarez Cepsa Speaker


01-06-2023 11:30 01-06-2023 12:00 Europe/Madrid Committed to the future: the new generation of phenol and sustainable solvents.

Cepsa Quimica is the leader in the development of more sustainable and innovative solutions and processes. And as proof of this, it is launching on the market its new range of “Next” products, which include renewable and recycled raw materials with a smaller carbon footprint in their composition. This range includes the new generation of phenol and solvents: NextPhenol and NextSol, products present in multiple forms in our daily life.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Thu 1 11:30h - 12:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Side Events Digitalization

Marketplace de soluciones de Industria 4.0 para los sectores químico y plásticos.

David Marco
David Marco ACCIÓ Presentador
David Zurita
David Zurita IThink UPC Data Scientist Speaker
Xavier Riba
Xavier Riba Innovae Managing Director Catalunya Speaker
David Gutiérrez
David Gutiérrez Leitat Director of the Digital Industry Department at LEITAT Speaker
Xevi Sagué
Xevi Sagué Aetech CSMO Speaker
Joan Puig
Joan Puig IRIS Technology Management Assistant Speaker
Manel Nesweda
Manel Nesweda Mapex Key Account Manager Speaker
Xavier Gallardo
Xavier Gallardo NVTC Partner Director at NVTC Speaker

01-06-2023 11:30 01-06-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid Marketplace de soluciones de Industria 4.0 para los sectores químico y plásticos. HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Thu 1 11:30h - 13:00h HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Ponencia | Industry Showcase Digitalization

Production Management Software (PMS) at Linasa

Javier de la Torre
Javier de la Torre ORBITA Ingeniería Speaker
Maria Aguado
Maria Aguado Linasa Directora de compras y aprovisionamiento Speaker

01-06-2023 11:50 01-06-2023 12:05 Europe/Madrid Production Management Software (PMS) at Linasa

Design and development of a customised factory management computer system that allows the management, control and monitoring of the existing production plants and packaging lines in the Linasa factory (Murcia), resulting from this the total traceability of the product made. This software includes all the modules of a MES system (production control) and it complements them turning it into a global factory software. Being a “System” totally interconnected with the different existing software (ERP, SGA, GMAO, DCS, LIMS, etc). Becoming a technological enabler of the TQM (Total Quality Management) principles.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Thu 1 11:50h - 12:05h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Roundtable | Side Events New Materials

Claves de la circularidad sobre los materiales utilizados en envases y embalajes

Belén García
Belén García PACKNET Director Moderador/Presentador
Cinta Bosch
Cinta Bosch AECOC Sustainability Manager Speaker
Víctor Borrás
Víctor Borrás Grupo Knauf Industries España Marketing Head Speaker
Marta Escamilla
Marta Escamilla LEITAT Sustainability Area Manager Speaker
Silvia Oliver
Silvia Oliver ITC PACKAGING Speaker
Susana Castelar
Susana Castelar ITAINNOVA Head of R&D projects in the area of materials design and development Speaker

#New materials, #Packaging

01-06-2023 12:00 01-06-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Claves de la circularidad sobre los materiales utilizados en envases y embalajes CC4-ROOM 4.4
Thu 1 12:00h - 13:30h CC4-ROOM 4.4
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Descarbonization

La Industria Química ante los Retos del Green Deal

Juan Antonio Labat
Juan Antonio Labat Feique General Manager Presentador
Teresa Rasero
Teresa Rasero Feique Speaker
Ignasi Cañagueral
Ignasi Cañagueral Dow Chemical Ibérica Speaker
Vicente Cortés
Vicente Cortés INERCO Speaker
Adriana Orejas
Adriana Orejas SusChem España Speaker

01-06-2023 12:00 01-06-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid La Industria Química ante los Retos del Green Deal HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Thu 1 12:00h - 13:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Best in Class | Industry Showcase Digitalization

Best in Class Project: Digitisation

Juan Antonio Gil Cuesta
Juan Antonio Gil Cuesta Repsol Business Digital Manager Speaker
David Colacios Ruiz
David Colacios Ruiz Telefonica Tech AI of Things Head of Business ISR Speaker

01-06-2023 12:05 01-06-2023 12:20 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Project: Digitisation

Strategic collaboration between Telefónica and Repsol to take advantage of the Data Science from Telefónica equipment to put them at the service of Artificial Intelligence applications to improve Repsol’s industrial processes.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Thu 1 12:05h - 12:20h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Best in Class | Best in Class Digitalization

Best in Class Project: Digitisation

Juan Antonio Gil Cuesta
Juan Antonio Gil Cuesta Repsol Business Digital Manager Speaker
David Colacios Ruiz
David Colacios Ruiz Telefonica Tech AI of Things Head of Business ISR Speaker

01-06-2023 12:05 01-06-2023 12:20 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Project: Digitisation

Strategic collaboration between Telefónica and Repsol to take advantage of the Data Science from Telefónica equipment to put them at the service of Artificial Intelligence applications to improve Repsol’s industrial processes.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Thu 1 12:05h - 12:20h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Mesa Redonda | Industry Showcase Digitalization

Round-table discussion on learnings, challenges and opportunities in the digitisation of the chemical sector

Ricard Madurell
Ricard Madurell Market AAD Managing Partner Moderador/Presentador
Aaron Ayllón Benítez
Aaron Ayllón Benítez BASF Digital Solutions Product Manager Speaker
Lluis Echeverria Rovira
Lluis Echeverria Rovira Eurecat Speaker
Javier de la Torre
Javier de la Torre ORBITA Ingeniería Speaker
Juan Antonio Gil Cuesta
Juan Antonio Gil Cuesta Repsol Business Digital Manager Speaker
Rafael Moreno Badía
Rafael Moreno Badía CEPSA Speaker

01-06-2023 12:20 01-06-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid Round-table discussion on learnings, challenges and opportunities in the digitisation of the chemical sector

The projects presented in the Industry Showcase at the end of the conference will reflect the development and implementation of digitalisation and digital technologies in the chemical industry, particularly in the insights, challenges and opportunities to be gained from them.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Thu 1 12:20h - 13:00h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 12:30 01-06-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
Thu 1 12:30h - 13:30h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 12:30 01-06-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.12
Thu 1 12:30h - 13:30h CC3- ROOM 3.12
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 12:30 01-06-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.13
Thu 1 12:30h - 13:30h CC3- ROOM 3.13
Talk | Side Events Digitalization

Discover the Opportunities of the Next Generation Funds for the Chemical and Plastics Sector

Anna Borrell
Anna Borrell ACCIÓ Consultant for the Next Generation EU Office Speaker

#Industry 4.0

01-06-2023 13:00 01-06-2023 13:15 Europe/Madrid Discover the Opportunities of the Next Generation Funds for the Chemical and Plastics Sector HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Thu 1 13:00h - 13:15h HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Surface treatment

Poster Session: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 13:30 01-06-2023 15:30 Europe/Madrid Poster Session: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.14
Thu 1 13:30h - 15:30h CC3- ROOM 3.14
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Descarbonization

Chemistry and the 4th industrial revolution: sustainable, digital and social.

Rafael Cayuela
Rafael Cayuela Dow Chemical Ibérica Corporate Chief Economist & EMEAI Chief Strategy & Sustainability Director of Dow Speaker

01-06-2023 15:00 01-06-2023 15:30 Europe/Madrid Chemistry and the 4th industrial revolution: sustainable, digital and social.

  How will chemistry travel to new molecular universes, design the new molecules of the future and our own sustainable future?  

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Thu 1 15:00h - 15:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Roundtable | Side Events Other

Meeting of the Group of Chemical Associations (GAP)

Josep M Fernández
Josep M Fernández Associació de Químics de Catalunya Chairman Moderador/Presentador

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 15:30 01-06-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Meeting of the Group of Chemical Associations (GAP)

Work meeting of the Group of Chemical Associations (GAQ), during which this group will be presented. It is planned to hold a talk and a possible tour of the Expoquimia companies related to each association.

CC4-ROOM 4.4
Thu 1 15:30h - 18:00h CC4-ROOM 4.4
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Other

New energies for a sustainable society

José Nogueira
José Nogueira Bondalti Hydrogen Business Coordinator Speaker


01-06-2023 15:30 01-06-2023 16:00 Europe/Madrid New energies for a sustainable society

In this talk, Bondalti will present the development of the technology it is developing for new sources of renewable energy such as hydrogen.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Thu 1 15:30h - 16:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Plenary Lecture: Corrosion risk for process

Alec Groysman
Alec Groysman Israeli Association of Chemical Engineers and Chemists. Doctor Speaker

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 15:30 01-06-2023 16:30 Europe/Madrid Plenary Lecture: Corrosion risk for process

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.12
Thu 1 15:30h - 16:30h CC3- ROOM 3.12
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Descarbonization

Climate Transition Programme @Bondalti

Susana Carvalho
Susana Carvalho Bondalti Sustainability and Climate Transition Coordinator Speaker

01-06-2023 16:00 01-06-2023 16:30 Europe/Madrid Climate Transition Programme @Bondalti HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Thu 1 16:00h - 16:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Descarbonization

ChemMed Tarragona: present and future of the main petrochemical cluster in southern Europe.

Maria Mas Chacón
Maria Mas Chacón AEQT-ChemMed Speaker
Genoveva Climent
Genoveva Climent AEQT-ChemMed General Manager of ChemMed Tarragona, Clúster Químic de la Mediterrània Speaker

01-06-2023 16:30 01-06-2023 17:00 Europe/Madrid ChemMed Tarragona: present and future of the main petrochemical cluster in southern Europe. HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Thu 1 16:30h - 17:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Ponencia | Industry Showcase Other

Presentation of the sectoral report on plastics in Spain

Bern Roegele
Bern Roegele Equiplast President Speaker
Marc Monnin
Marc Monnin Centro Español de Plasticos General Manager Speaker
Adrià Llacuna
Adrià Llacuna Market Aad Project Director Speaker
Luis Palomino Leal
Luis Palomino Leal ASEGRE General Secretary Speaker


01-06-2023 17:00 01-06-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Presentation of the sectoral report on plastics in Spain

The plastics sector has undergone industrial, economic and social transformations that have made it occupy a central place on the regulatory and public scene in recent times. Equiplast, as a reference meeting point for the sector in Spain, has wanted to make an exhaustive assessment of its importance as a transversal productive sector, with the capacity to apply it in multiple industrial sectors and which acts as a lever and engine for their competitiveness.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Thu 1 17:00h - 18:00h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Other

New developments and public funding for RDI projects.

Maria José Tomás Sánchez
Maria José Tomás Sánchez CDTI Technician from the Department of Institutional Promotion and Territorial Cooperation Speaker

01-06-2023 17:00 01-06-2023 17:30 Europe/Madrid New developments and public funding for RDI projects.

CDTI Innovation (Centre for Technological Development) will explain the latest news regarding RDI funding from this agency, which is part of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Thu 1 17:00h - 17:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 17:00 01-06-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
Thu 1 17:00h - 18:00h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 17:00 01-06-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.12
Thu 1 17:00h - 18:00h CC3- ROOM 3.12
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 17:00 01-06-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.13
Thu 1 17:00h - 18:00h CC3- ROOM 3.13
Showroom | Rethinking Plastics New Materials


#Plastics, #Recycling

02-06-2023 09:30 02-06-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid RETHINKING PLASTICS by Equiplast

A unique exhibition of products made from 100% recycled plastic from renewable and biodegradable sources.

HALL 3-Rethinking plastics area
Fri 2 09:30h - 18:00h HALL 3-Rethinking plastics area
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering Tech Transfer

Expoquimica Exhibition area: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

02-06-2023 09:30 02-06-2023 16:30 Europe/Madrid Expoquimica Exhibition area: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting.
Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

Hall 3- Expoquimia Exhibition area
Fri 2 09:30h - 16:30h Hall 3- Expoquimia Exhibition area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Descarbonization

El papel de los gases industriales en la transición energética

Carlos Merello
Carlos Merello Carburos Metálicos Product Manager General Industries South of Europe of Metal Carbides Speaker


02-06-2023 10:00 02-06-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid El papel de los gases industriales en la transición energética HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Fri 2 10:00h - 10:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Ponencia | Industry Showcase Tech Transfer

Tech Transfer: Mission impossible?

Nora Ventosa Rull
Nora Ventosa Rull TECNIO President Speaker

02-06-2023 10:30 02-06-2023 10:50 Europe/Madrid Tech Transfer: Mission impossible?

The technology and knowledge transfer that comes from universities, research centres and technological centres to the business industry is key to increase people’s innovation and wellbeing levels. This talk will emphasise the importance of collaboration between companies and research entities so the technology transfer process is fluid, and it will analyse some models and instruments that have proven to be very effective at making it easier

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Fri 2 10:30h - 10:50h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Other

Chemical Industry Internationalisation Plan in collaboration with FEIQUE and ICEX

Ignacio Pradas
Ignacio Pradas ICEX Presentador
Maria Eugenia Anta
Maria Eugenia Anta FEIQUE Director of Chemical Products Management and International Trade Speaker
Francisco Núñez
Francisco Núñez ICEX Head of Industrial Technology Dept. ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, E.P.E. Speaker


02-06-2023 10:30 02-06-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid Chemical Industry Internationalisation Plan in collaboration with FEIQUE and ICEX

The 2023 Chemical Industry Internationalisation Plan is deployed along various lines of work that continue the strategy developed in previous years.  

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Fri 2 10:30h - 11:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Ponencia | Industry Showcase Tech Transfer

LOW-e. Efficient and low impact technology for seawater and brine desalination

Beatriz Corzo Garcia
Beatriz Corzo Garcia Sorigué R&D Project Leader Speaker

02-06-2023 10:50 02-06-2023 11:10 Europe/Madrid LOW-e. Efficient and low impact technology for seawater and brine desalination

The talk will give visibility to several industries about the possibilities of desalinating seawater and brine using this efficient, low impact technology, with the aim of improving the availability of drinking water and minimising waste generation. Thanks to this technology, salt can be recovered in solid form and water can be obtained that is fit for human consumption. All of this will contribute to the company's increased competitiveness, improving its positioning in the market, generating wealth and creating employment while at the same time improving its environmental sustainability. 

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Fri 2 10:50h - 11:10h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Ponencia | Industry Showcase Tech Transfer

Direct manufacturing of RTD sensors on stainless steel pipes using combined Magnetron Sputtering and sun-gel techniques

Aitor Bikarregi Iglesias
Aitor Bikarregi Iglesias Grupo Tubacex R&D Engineer Speaker

02-06-2023 11:10 02-06-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid Direct manufacturing of RTD sensors on stainless steel pipes using combined Magnetron Sputtering and sun-gel techniques

The smartening of components is evidently a challenge in most industrial processes with the aim of reducing the economic and environmental impacts of these activities. Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) have been produced in this work on the outer surface of an advanced insulation in stainless steel pipes with a ceramic coating.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Fri 2 11:10h - 11:30h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Ponencia | Industry Showcase Tech Transfer

Nanoliposomas dirigidos a péptidos para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Fabry.

Alba Córdoba
Alba Córdoba Nanomol Technologies Tech Transfer& Business Development Director Speaker

02-06-2023 11:30 02-06-2023 11:50 Europe/Madrid Nanoliposomas dirigidos a péptidos para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Fabry. HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Fri 2 11:30h - 11:50h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Hydrogen

How INEOS will kick-start renewable hydrogen production in Spain.

Felix Wunder
Felix Wunder INEOS Inovyn Business Development Manager Hydrogen Speaker


02-06-2023 11:30 02-06-2023 12:00 Europe/Madrid How INEOS will kick-start renewable hydrogen production in Spain.

INEOS is a global chemical major and Europe’s largest producer of hydrogen from electrolysis. Leveraging this experience, INEOS is developing water electrolysis projects across its European sites. These projects will supply renewable hydrogen into mobility and industry. Near Barcelona, INEOS operates the Martorell chemical site which is an ideal location for renewable hydrogen production in Spain.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Fri 2 11:30h - 12:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Best in Class | Industry Showcase Tech Transfer

Best in Class Project: Tech Transfer

Sergi Gassó Pons
Sergi Gassó Pons Fuelium CEO Speaker

02-06-2023 11:50 02-06-2023 12:05 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Project: Tech Transfer

Fuelium, a base technology company of the CSIC (Scientific Research Council) Offers paper batteries capable of powering a range of single-use devices, such as portable diagnostic units.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Fri 2 11:50h - 12:05h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Best in Class | Best in Class Tech Transfer

Best in Class Project: Tech Transfer

Sergi Gassó Pons
Sergi Gassó Pons Fuelium CEO Speaker

02-06-2023 11:50 02-06-2023 12:05 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Project: Tech Transfer

"Fuelium, a base technology company of the CSIC (Scientific Research Council) Offers paper batteries capable of powering a range of single-use devices, such as portable diagnostic units."

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Fri 2 11:50h - 12:05h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future Other

Horizonte de la Política Industrial

Joan Miquel Capdevila
Joan Miquel Capdevila Ercros Speaker
Carles Navarro
Carles Navarro Expoquimia y Feique CEO of BASF Spain, vice-president of FEIQUE and president of Expoquimia Speaker

02-06-2023 12:00 02-06-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid Horizonte de la Política Industrial HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Fri 2 12:00h - 13:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Mesa Redonda | Industry Showcase Tech Transfer

Round-table discussion: opportunities and best practices for technology transfer to the chemical industry

Jesús Torrecilla Soria
Jesús Torrecilla Soria Tecnalia Ventures Director Energy Transition, Climate and Urban Ventures Moderador/Presentador
Miquel Rey
Miquel Rey Eurecat General Business Manager Speaker
Sergi Gassó Pons
Sergi Gassó Pons Fuelium CEO Speaker
Pere Regull Climent
Pere Regull Climent Leitat - Centre Tecnológic Coorporate Director Speaker
Irene Garcia Cano
Irene Garcia Cano Universitat de Barcelona Vice-dean of Research and Technology Transfer Speaker

02-06-2023 12:05 02-06-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid Round-table discussion: opportunities and best practices for technology transfer to the chemical industry HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Fri 2 12:05h - 13:00h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area